Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Window of What's to Come

I remember Monday evenings as a child. It's 7:50 ... time to finish homework, make sure chores were done, and find your seat in front of the television. I might be late for other things; dinner, church, work. But never, no never was I ever late for the start of "Little House on the Prairie". Part of the thrill was watching the beginning, as the wagon of Ingall's came rolling into the TV. You knew that what came next was part of the most important part of the show. You would see scenes or 'windows' of what was to come, and then you sat anxiously waiting for that scene to play out on the show. Then at the completion of the show, once again you sat and waited for the 'previews' ... because this once again gave you a 'window' of what was to come. You were left sitting on the edge of your seats, knowing something good was to come. And you were never disappointed. Yep, I loved Mondays at our house. Those were the good ole' days ... no tivo, no cable, no dvd's. If you didn't see it Monday night, you didn't see it. That's why those 'windows' were so important to see; you snooze - you loose. I loved those 'window' moments.
Last evening I had a 'window' moment. Josh and Monika (oh, and Collin!) moved into my home this weekend. I hadn't mentioned to anyone but the past few months have been lonely. JT has stated he wouldn't be moving back as he settles into Vincinnes, and I was wondering what the future held as I faced it in this house alone. Should I downsize? Should I move back home? Should I ....?
I knew I wouldn't try selling now, not with the economy. Then Josh asked when I was ready, would I consider selling to him and Monika. Of course I had no problem with that! Then they threw me for a loop when they asked if we wanted to go ahead and make the move now. To me ... it was the answer to prayers. I have been lonely, and once I admitted that the more I was aware of how lonely I had become. Especially after the birth of Collin. He has brought far more joy into my life than I ever thought possible. I loved being close enough I could walk to their house and see him on a regular basis. He filled a void in my life that I wasn't even aware existed. I would leave their home to walk to mine and miss that 'family' atmosphere.
But now Josh and his family have moved in. As I type, Monika is busy making the kitchen her's. I told her that wouldn't be a problem - go for it! I want them to know this is their home. I want them to feel at home. So we will make it work, I am confident we can do so.
That window I spoke of .... that scene I had a glimpse of last evening? When I headed to my room to settle down for the evening; I didn't go quietly which has been my pattern of late. No, I first hugged Collin, and said goodnight to all. I didn't shut off the lights, lock the doors and quietly settled in. I left to the sound of loved ones .... this is the 'window' I saw.
This is the scene I am going to see played out in my future. This is the 'preview' to what is to come. This is the glimpse of what's to come and you know it's worth the wait.
I have seen the previews .... and once again find myself sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the show to begin! I think I am going to like this show and pray it has a long run!

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